The Forester’s View

With this blog post, we’re pleased to start a new and semi-regular series that we’re calling The Forester’s View. We’ll share photos from our Community Forest forester, David DeGruttola, the District Forester for LandVest. LandVest was recently awarded the role of forester for the Randolph Community Forest, after longtime forester Walt Winturri retired.

We hope you enjoy David’s photos!



May 2016: A local resident on the Community Forest, seen as David and retiring forest Walt Winturri walk through the Community Forest.


A tent caterpillar cocoon found on the Community Forest, July, 2016.


… And, the damage caused by a tent caterpillar on the Forest, July, 2016.


Here’s a look at the crown of a tree damaged by tent caterpillars.


The main sap line leading to a new facility on Route 2, as part of the contract awarded to David Fuller. For more information, see this story.


Construction trash located on a spur road off of the Pond of Safety Road, September, 2016.

(And yes, it’s being cleaned up!)