An Introduction to iNaturalist with Elise Lawson
September 7 at 9 AM at the Randolph Town Hall Following a successful Forest Day on August 10th, there was demand from the audience to follow up with an introduction Continue Reading →
Randolph Forest Day 2023
The 20th Anniversary of the Randolph Community Forest The theme of this year’s Forest Day will be twofold. We celebrate and recognize the existential contributions made by the late Forest Continue Reading →
Randolph Forest Day 2022
The annual Randolph Forest Day will be celebrated this year on Saturday, August 6th. The theme of this year’s event will be presented by Richard Boisvert and will discuss the Continue Reading →
John and Mary Berry donate 102.2 acres to the Randolph Town Forest
The Randolph Town Forest officially grew by 102.2 acres when the town voted to accept a parcel of undeveloped forest land donated by John and Mary Berry at the 2021 Continue Reading →
2020 Forest Day Events Postponed
“The best-laid schemes of mice an’ men / Gang aft a-gley.” Robert Burns, the Scottish bard, was wrote that famous line in his poem entitles “To a Mouse.” But, he Continue Reading →
Building a Connection among Soils, Forestry, and Wildlife
By Andrea Watts Published in May issue of the Forestry Source The online mapping tool Dirt to Trees to Wildlife couldn’t have a more appropriate title. With a few clicks, users Continue Reading →