Managing Habitat for Pollinators
Saturday August 4, 2018
9:00 AM at the Randolph Town Hall Tour to follow: Farrah site and Rolo Falls
The annual Randolph Forest Day will be celebrated this year on Saturday, August 4th. The theme of this year’s event is Managing Habitat for Pollinators. Kelly Eggleston, District Conservationist with the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), along with NRCS State Biologist Kelly Boland, will share ideas that will help landowners improve pollinator habitat on their own lands.
The day will begin, as usual, in the Randolph Town Hall at 9 am. Members of the Forest Commission and the Forestry team will report on new activities which have been carried out on the Forest during the last year. These include the finalization of the Hudson-Maddocks conservation easements granted to the Town to protect the channel of the Israel’s River, and completion of the Rollo Falls Trail on land previously donated by the Potters and made a part of the Randolph Community Forest to help protect the upper headwaters of the Moose River and enhancing wildlife habitat and the north/south connectivity of several large protected forested areas. David DeGruttola, Town Forester, will report on logging activity for the last and for the coming years and that Brendan Prusik, County Forester, and/or John Lanier will bring us up to date on the Dirt To Trees to Wildlife (DTW) project which the Town has been supporting
Kelly Eggleston along with Kelly Boland, NH Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) State Biologist, will lead a short presentation on the basics, importance, and current status of pollinators, which are in drastic decline. The yellow-banded bumble bee is one pollinator species that is presently being considered for listing as an endangered species by the USFWS. These bees are present in and around the WMNF and may become a focus of pollinator efforts in the near future. During both the indoor and outdoor sessions, they will share ideas how you, as a landowner, can improve the pollinator habitat on your own lands. There are opportunities for assistance through NRCS for both simple and complex ways to improve habitat. The Xerces Society visited the Farrah site with NRCS staff late last fall and developed some suggestions to consider in improving pollinator habitat here on town forest land. These ideas will be shared in the outdoor session.
At 10 or 10:30, the Forest Day Tour will begin. As noted above, we will be visiting the Farrah site to continue discussion of managing for pollinators and then move to hike the new Rollo Falls Trail.
All are welcome. People can come to the presentation at the Town Hall and skip the tour. People can come to the Town Hall late and join the tour. Dogs and young children should be accompanied by an adult who will be responsible for them. As usual, bring a trail lunch and water, wear shoes appropriate for light hiking and remember to bring your bug repellent.