The Randolph Community Forest Commission is pleased to share that our Community Forest was one of six forests featured in the Trust for Public Land study conducted for the U.S. Forest Service, entitled, How U.S. Forest Service Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) Program Acquisitions Impact Communities in Six Case Studies.
To quote from the study,
In Randolph and Jefferson, New Hampshire, LWCF funds from the Forest Service enabled a host of entities to work together to link over 800,000 acres of Forest Service land and create a national model for community Forests…..This collaborative project provides an example of how the region’s conservation entities and diverse land interests worked in tandem to protect the forested landscape and promote forest and economic health… This quilt of forest ownership, including Randolph Community Forest and the Pond of Safety, is complementary of the region’s forest-based economy.
A discussion of the Community Forest runs from page 16 to 19 of the report, and offers an excellent summary of the project and its benefits.
A copy of the report is available via the Trust for Public Land web site, here.