From the moment it was first envisioned, one of the goals of the Randolph Community Forest was to continue traditional uses. Thankfully, the town and the Forest Commission have been able to implement this vision.
Ex-officio member of the Forest Commission David Willcox and Chair John Scarinza were out on the Forest last week, when they spotted this scene:
Traditional use? Absolutely– if perhaps not all that common.
Says John, “We were out on the Pond of Safety Road and came upon these two ladies from Lancaster taking a ride on the road. They had trailered their horses from Lancaster, and were very pleased with not only having a place to park their truck and trailer at the new parking lot, but of also having a place to ride that was generally free of traffic, and that allowed them to have a good riding experience.”
The trailhead at the start of the Pond of Safety road was funded in part by the State of New Hampshire’s Recreational Trails Program. The road, gated during mud seasons in the spring and fall, is now open.